
Ten Ways to Save on your Utilities

Water, electricity and heat are three ways we provide comfort for ourselves. No matter how much utilities increase in price, we continue to adjust the household budget in order to maintain our basic level of contentment. Consider, though, that you could easily save about one hundred dollars per month by making some conservative changes to your style of consumption.Compact Fluorescent Light BulbsThey are a little more expensive to purchase, but provide a great return on your dollar. Compact fluorescent light bulbs last for years, leave a smaller carbon footprint, burn less energy and do not emit heat the way incandescent bulbs do. This means that you can also save on the electricity you would use to cool your home. Flush Less Water Down the DrainThe average family flushes their toilet about 5000 times per year. If you place a sealed, plastic container full of water in your tank, you displace that much water from each flush. If you reduce your flush by 2 cups each time, you could save 2500 gallons of water per year. Start with a 16 ounce container and experiment from there RC Air Swimmers to make sure you don't displace so much water that you end up flushing twice. Invest in Motion Sensors for Outdoor LightsYou can purchase inexpensive sensors that screw into the same fitting as the light bulb. The only time you really need light is when you arrive or depart from your home. Use a Programmable ThermostatThe need for heat is reduced when no one is home and during the night when people are sleeping. More heat is needed first thing in the morning and early evening. Less heat is needed when the oven is on, laundry is in operation, and dishes are being washed because additional heat is generated by other large appliances and physical activity. The opposite is true in the summer when drapes and blinds can be kept closed to cool the home during the day, but cooler air is necessary for sleeping.Use Less Water in the ShowerIf you have short hair, you can save water by using a low-flow shower head. If you have long hair that requires more water pressure, turn the water off when you are shampooing and lathering. Brush with Less Water No one needs the water flowing while they are brushing their teeth. Use your free hand to turn the water on and off and save unnecessary waste of clean, fresh tap water.Invest in Aerator ScreensWhile many people will place an aerator screen in the shower and on the kitchen faucet, they neglect to extend that choice to the laundry tub and bathroom sink which continue to dispense greater quantities of water than is necessary. The advantage of aerator screens is that they force the water out of the faucet through smaller holes so it feels like there is more pressure to the stream when, in fact, less water is being used.Insulate Many people spend heating or cooling dollars unwisely because they lose hot or cool air through attics, basements, garage doors and garage ceilings (which are often the 'floor' of an upstairs bedroom). Check your door sweep and use weather stripping around the doors and windows to prevent air from escaping and entering.Spray foam rc air swimmers insulation is free of CFCs, Penta-BDEs, VOCs and urea formaldehyde. Because it does not hold moisture, it is mold-resistant. Spray foam has no natural fibers that encourage pests and small creatures to use it for survival. Spraying one inch of foam can seal air leaks, provide an air-tight barrier and offers an R-7 level of insulation. Adjust your VentsRemember, hot air rises and cool air falls. In the winter, you may not need as much vented warm air upstairs. rc flying shark Close or partially shut off some of those vents. Similarly, in the summer you may want to reverse this by closing off vents in the lower levels, thereby, forcing the cooler air upstairs. Install Ceiling FansPoorly circulated air costs money. Turning up the air conditioning or the furnace is a much more expensive method of climate control than using ceiling fans. Certain rooms produce more heat because of heat-generating appliances or constantly running computers while the basement is often cooler. Blending hot and cool spots maintains an even temperature.Most of these money saving tips are easy to install, can be forgotten and left to do their job. With the exception of learning to turn off taps when you don't need water, the effort required to save on your utility bills is minimal, but the savings is substantial.

